1. Name-
2. Occupation-
3. How do you self-define?-
Heteroromantic Asexual.
4. What does the word sex mean to you?-
Something others strive for, but it's not my desire with anyone.
5. What does the sex positive movement mean to you?-
It's bringing sex into conversations, which enable people to be more open to the idea that some people don't have the same sexual desires, and that it's okay that it happens that way. I hope that eventually asexuality no longer becomes this thing with connotations of sex hating.
Sweet or savoury- Sweet!
Book or film- Books on Spirituality and Psychology
Rainbow or glitter- Rainbows after the storm
Unicorns or dinasours- dinosaurs
Sunset or sunrise- Sunrise, just before it, too
Lights on or off- off, mostly, I let the sun do the lighting
Candles or fairy lights- candles held by fairies
Magazines or newspapers- Depends
Porn or erotic literature- neither
Online dating or set ups- meh
Cats or dogs- cats
Cinema or theatre- theatre, you're talking to a voice actor for deaf theatre.
7. What's your favourite sex posi resource?-
I enjoy a bit of Laci Green, but I believe that talking with people who are also sex positive about sex is better for education. It's why I founded the Facebook Group "Sex Positive Discussion"
8. Your perfect date?-
I always enjoyed fondue restaurants for my dates: it's food, so you don't have to worry about doing nothing or getting hungry; and it's a long time, making for some good conversation opportunities.
9. What was your sex ed like in school? Good points/bad points? Marks out of 10?-
It was meh. We didn't talk about the effects on sex with the body, we mainly talked about how to deal with puberty. Because there was no conversation on sex and sexuality, it became this thing whispered about, and it felt like I was trapped by my lack of desire or knowledge.
10. What is your experience of asexuality?-
It has been a little frustrating, when friends talk about sex and expect you to totally know what their meaning is when you can't. As an asexual, I do not get sexually attracted to anyone, but I still have that desire for a romantic relationship, but the way we talk about love and sex in today's culture people tend to assume that I'm unable to love. And that's why I'm sex positive, so that ideas of love can be safely separated from ideas of sex.
11. At what age did you start masturbating?-
16, I think? I do have a sex drive
12. What are your political views?-
I prefer not to say
13. Who is your sex idol?-
A spoon, because I love to do it.
Love to- snuggle, kiss, and cuddle
Sometimes will- Experiment with stuff that does not involve the genitals
Uncomfortable with- Sex and genitals
15. You get turned into an inanimate sex related object, what are you?-
16. What is your true passion in life?-
Creating new worlds, both digitally and artistically
17. You send one sex positive message out into the word in 7 words, what is it?-
People should know sex and sexuality.
18. Do you believe everyone has a kink? If so what's yours?-
Not really, and I do necessarily have one.
19. How do you define you relationship status at the moment?-
single and looking
20. Where can we see more of you?-
Facebook's Sex Posi Discussion Group.